Drum Lessons
Rockstar Music Academy’s drum students love music. Rock, pop, jazz, funk, latin, blues, or any number of different styles, they are dedicated to learning the rhythmic language of drumming.
Our drum instructors challenge students with a wide variety of fun yet technical exercises. Exercises designed to improve every student’s core drumming skills.
Rockstar Music Academy’s drum students learn the correct techniques, theory and reading skills needed to be able to master the music they want, need, and have to play. Our unique lesson program ensures that you will master all of the techniques, theory and fundamentals you will need to truly enjoy playing the drums.
We know through extensive experience that playing music with others, either in recitals or with bands, provides students the highest levels of enjoyment and accomplishment. This is essential for self- motivation when learning how to play. In addition to focusing on the individual instrument of your choice, we also focus on the power of performance.